MiTV 263 – How to Win the Week with Beehiiv Newsletter Platform


If you would love to send out a weekly email to your list, a creator list to send an email to. It just feels, like, too complicated. This week’s episode is for you. Hello and welcome to this week’s episode of Mi TV. My name is Emma Mills, and it’s my birthday today. So today’s this episode is about a present I’m giving myself, but I think it is going to help you, too. A couple of weeks ago, I was sick with, like, some kind of flu germs. Took ages to get rid of them. And, so, naturally, when you are sick, you slow things down a little bit. Interestingly, most often, we should be slowing these things down before we get sick, but here we are. And while I was sick, it gave me a little bit of time to reflect on the things that I enjoy doing the most in my business.

Now, I am fortunate that over the 16 years that Mi PA has been alive, when we are in a position where the day to day of Mi PA does run without me, we probably wouldn’t grow in the same way. My content attracts leads and, you know, partnerships. But actually, the service itself runs beautifully. Like, I am not a part of that. And so, actually, when I was able to be six, for a lot of business owners, we don’t even have that opportunity. Like, we don’t have that privilege just to get better. But I did, and I had time to think about what I enjoy doing the most. And the thing that, like, stood out to me beyond everything else that is over the past five, six, seven years.

The highlights, some of the highlights, I should say, of my career running Mi PA. I absolutely love helping other business owners with things I have learned. Like, that, for me, is the biggest get out of bed motivator. And I enjoy recording Mi TV. I have an episode every week and I just know that it’s time to take things to the next level. So a few things are happening in April that are a gift to myself to make the time to do it, to invest in the resource, need to get them done, one of which is a podcast, which is coming at the end of April. Focus on the fun stuff. I am really looking forward to this. It’s going to be some solo episodes and some interview episodes of people that have leveraged their time so that they can focus on the fun stuff in their business, things that they love or with the people that they’ve actually got to a stage now that their business enables them to spend time with the people they love and how they have. How they have done that, and the same.

The second thing that I am launching in April is my newsletter. it’s called win the week. It’s going to hit your inboxes if you would like to subscribe on a Sunday evening. And it’s going to be chocked full of the things that I have learned, have experienced, have tried myself to help you to win the upcoming week. Because if we can win the upcoming week 52 times, the year is sorted. So Emma, you might say, okay, it’s your birthday, you’ve been sick, you’re gonna do more content. Where is this leading me? Where it is leading is that as part of this newsletter, I need the least barriers to entries to get stuff done. Otherwise if I’ve got a slightly high barrier, I’ll procrastinate, I’ll go, this is difficult now. I don’t know how to do it. And I already have a CRM.

In my business, we do have a list of people that watch Mi TV and get sent it every week. But what I’ve wanted to do for the longest time is send out a newsletter of things that I think are really helpful for people to implement and try and test and read and all of those good stuff and to build a list of people that are interested in productivity, time management, leveraging their time. And I found a bit of software that has made the barriers so low to get this started. The newsletter looks freaking fantastic. It is really easy to build a list and so I thought I would dedicate this week’s Mi TV to tell you a little more about it.

Hi, so I’m back and I am here to show you a little bit about Beehive, which is getting me excited for my new newsletter which is coming out next week. and I’m recording this on loom. M for anybody that doesn’t know loom, I’m sure you do, but loom is a really snazzy piece of software that allows you to screen, record and keep your picture in the frame. and it’s just really easy. It ah, helps you remove like silences, M’s and R’s. Ah, so you’ll get a really simple, slick version of this. So I’m just going to start with letting you see what beehive looks like. and it is, as it says, a newsletter, that platform that is built for growth. And you might say to me, what is the point of using this? Because I’ve got a CRM system.

Well, ultimately the best description I’ve had is that beehive is like, you know, you could use like, a Swiss army knife to take a screwdriver to take a screw out of a wall. But actually using a screwdriver to take, take the screw out of the wall is much better. And this is like the screwdriver. It’s like a tool that is absolutely designed to take the nail out of the wall or to create a newsletter. So I am just going to show you some of the early steps of my creation of the newsletter. So this is what it looks like. the really great thing, you know, you’re going to ask first, okay. But I don’t want another new piece of software that’s going to cost a lot of money, and it doesn’t cost anything in the beginning. So I am in a free trial at the moment. But as you can see here, the launch one, which is what I’m going to be staying on m until I get past two and a half thousand subscribers. And, maybe that’ll be in a couple of weeks. Who knows? It’s free. So I feel like this is actually just really amazing to try out. It’s, you know, two and a half thousand subscribers. Unlimited sends and, custom newsletters, analytics.

Now, there is also 42 a month, which is not a lot, 10,000 subscribers, custom domains. So at the moment when I send it, my, my domain will be Emma Mills beehive. Like, it will be something maybe with a bit of code, something specific. But right now, I just want to try test, you know, prolific beats, perfect, as Daniel Priest would say. I just want to get it out there. So maybe if in a couple of weeks, my subscribers start to build and, I feel it’s the right thing, you know, I’m loving it. Then I probably go to this and get a custom domain that is mine, and I can easily roll off the tongue. And then you can see that for the 42, I can create segments, do audience polls, multiple forms, API access, but now we’re getting all nerdy and techy and actually,

I am just happy to get started with this watch. So that’s the pricing looks like, before you watch the rest of it, because it’s free, so why not give it a whirl if you’ve been thinking about getting a newsletter sorted? And that’s low. So let’s get this rolling. Emma. so there is what, this is what it looks like in the pricing. I just wanted to let you know. So this is what the dashboard looks like now. I don’t have any subscribers yet. I’m showing you this right at this beginning. Of my journey. and I’ll definitely do it. MiTV as it progresses, to show you how it, how it looks and how it starts to build. But you can see, like, really simple. Now, the other thing is, if I have got a CRM, as I just said at the beginning of the episode, it’s active campaign.

And ultimately, what I am, why I am doing this as well is I just want to keep this really simple. I want to build an engaged list that I know want to hear from me about winning the week. Now, we have quite a big list at Mi PA is 45,000, and that list has been collated from various places, from subscribes, from people I’ve met, from events years ago. And right now, of course, like any list out of the 45,000, probably half of it are engaging. Maybe like 10% are watching Mi TV, maybe 5% are clicking on the links. What I’m excited to do here is build a really engaged, smaller list. I’m still going to be running Mi TV and activecampaign using all of that, but a really engaged, smaller list of people that I know are really passionate and want to learn about how to make the most of their weeks 52 times a year to achieve their goals. and so this is why I’m using this. And just what I am loving about it and I’m excited to use is the simplicity of its dashboard as well.

As you can see here, we’re going to have like really simply open rates, click rates, impressions. We’re going to see what the audience looks like and it is solely focused on growing a subscriber list and audience and, sending them out a newsletter and then segmenting and looking at who is clicking. But right now, I’m just interested in step one and two, growing my subscriber list, sending them out, a newsletter, growing my subscribers send them out a newsletter 52 times a year because I want to win the week. So you can see, like, they’ve got an overview. Oh, it’s already like, I’m excited as the dashboard starts to have data in it. And, so this is what the dashboard looks like. You can also see there’s like audience engagement and future monetization of whether you put ads on there, premium subscriptions, so on.

But right now, keeping it simple. Love simple. So, that’s the dashboard. Then I try to let you see what the, we’ve already seen the dashboard, so it creates you a landing page. Now, this is not snazzy right now, but it will be. And it’s gonna have a lovely header that’s being created. And you can see here, this is what it means by the, if you sign up to the 42 a month, you can have a specific domain right now. This is what it is. But it doesn’t really matter because I’ll just be putting that link in call to actions in my social media and in Mi TV emails. So there is going to be a, let’s just check. So there’s going to be a little thumbnail here for win the week. There’s going to be, an image. It’s going to look really snazzy, but it’s just going to be dead easy to put this link into any call to actions, into anything you send out and on your website, and get people to subscribe to it. So the landing page, and you might think, Emma, that is the worst landing page I have ever seen. It is right now, but it’s not a landing page to convert traffic into sales. It’s just a place for people to sign up and go, Emma, please help me on a Sunday night. Win the week. So really simple, it creates this for you and then just a little bit around like the, profile. So it’s all really simple steps of, so the win the week logo is going to go there.

There’s going to be a little thumbnail that appears across all the publication, but ultimately these are just all the bits to fill in. But then the actual creation of the newsletter, is, let me show you instead of just keep flashing between them. 1 second it is, gosh, all sorts of things happen. Then I lost my camera, I’m back. And so in the dashboard, in the left hand side of the dashboard I’ve got. Right. And if we go to posts, this is my first draft that I am building out. And, if it opens. Okay, so we’re gonna have a nice win the week header at the top. there’s gonna be embeds for my social links in today’s issue. And you start, oh, here’s a nice picture of me and Ralph. And this is how you start to build out the newsletter. This is what it’s going to look like. it does all of this automatically.

Obviously, I’m going to put my address in because Mi PA isn’t based on Park Avenue in New York. If I just go to edit post, I’m going to show you how easy it is as well, just to start adding stuff. So let’s say I am creating a new article here. I’m going to go to, heading to say new article, I’m going to change, you know, my font’s going to be on brand. I’m going to change the color, maybe to what I want it to run through on a theme and then what. So here I’m just going to start, typing about how to win the week. And it’s really easy to put nice page breaks, like little content breaks in between and it all starts to look really great. And also something else that is really helpful if I go to, you can see all of the things here that we can include. If I go to AI writer, I should really have a good prompt here as an example, but write some, text about focus.

Time to win the week in business. If I come to create my newsletter one week, and I have a bit of a writer’s block, it also has the AI function to start to give me some ideas, or if I’ve got like an idea and I like need to just get started, it can write me a little AI paragraph that then I can start to flesh out. Or even if I just like, okay, I’m going to restart that. But I understand what I’m writing now. So it has got the AI function in it as well. In the footnote is where my social media links are going to be. And if I just go to the plus as well, you can see, you can include like columns, images. It’s, I associate a little bit with like the mailchimp, where I always used to think Mailchimp was so easy to use and beyond is very, very similar. And as you move in through it, you can look at what preview looks like.

And for those of you that subscribe to my win the week, you will see what the very first, issue actually looks like. It’s not going to just be a couple of lines, of text and a massive picture of me and Ralph. It is going to have lots of good juicy stuff in there to help you set off the week on the right foot. But you can see, see how it starts to look. It gives you a really nice look at, oh, look at this, how mobile is going to look. I’m excited for this. So I just wanted to give you a little overview of how beehive looks because I’m excited for it. And I hope you are too, because I know some people watching Mi TV will be like, I’m not interested in this, but some of you might just think, oh, I, want to communicate with people about my expertise. I want to create a list. All of the CRMs are so complicated and do I need a creative designer to get this going. You don’t be have just let you do it all yourself. I hope this was helpful and silent. So in the week I’m going to put my subscriber link in the email and I will see you on the other side. Using beehive is all about like getting a tool specific for one job.

Obviously, you know, like you can have a Swiss army knife which I guess is like active campaign, keep HubSpot. But Beyhive is like that ah, that really specific tool to do a job really well. And that is why I am so impressed by it. I hope the overview is helpful. Even more exciting, there is a launch package for beehive which is free and you can stay on the free package. I think it has a list build up to two and a half thousand contacts which for me right now is absolutely fine. And there are other packages with all of this sexy stuff and holes you can do in it and. But right now I’m just going to be staying on this free version, sending out my newsletter, helping people and building a new list which I am excited about. And I hope that if you have been procrastinating on going, oh God, what you know are ah, infusionsoft so hard to use or going to have to start designing this in Mailchimp. Beehive takes out all of that barrier. All you need to do is find your content, write it, have your link for people to sign up to and send out the new newsletter every week. I love it and I hope you do too. And I hope this week’s episode was really helpful for you in communicating yourself more as the expert, in your industry. And I will see you next week for another episode of Mi TV. See you then. Bye.

emma mills

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