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…there’s every chance Mi Follow Up is for you, and it’s definitely worth a conversation. Book a Discovery Call below.
Hi, I’m Emma Mills.
Over the years, as I’ve built Mi PA up from just little ol’ me and a laptop to a million pound plus business with over 40 staff, I’ve learnt a lot about what’s important, and what isn’t.
And a couple of years back now, I stumbled across something that’s been THE difference in our business – following up properly with every single lead.
We’ve always been into marketing – we were getting content out of the door, sales campaigns were being implemented, and I was busy too, getting out and about, meeting people and making people aware of MiPA.
We were generating plenty of leads, but we weren’t converting enough of them into paying customers.
So I decided to change that, and got one of my most trusted team members to take charge of following up on every single lead that came into our business.
All of a sudden, my diary was full of prospect calls, we were making more sales than ever before, and the business was growing faster than I could have dreamt of.
In the two years that followed, our business grew 197%, and the only chance we made was to start properly following up on leads.
As the years went on, we started doing the same for our clients, and the results were similarly impressive. Mi Follow Up was born.
Your investment to become a Mi Follow Up client is A LOT less than you’d think – and it works based on a sliding scale of the number of leads you need following up.
Use the tool below now to work out what Mi Follow Up will cost you, but don’t worry if you don’t know the answer to any of the questions, just book a call and we’ll go through them with you.
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