MiTV 275 – How to prevent fear of key employees leaving your business


Episode 275 transcript 

If the thought of somebody leaving your business fills you with fear, then this week’s episode is for you. Hello, and welcome to episode 275 of Mi TV. My name is Emma Mills, and I help business owners to plan their goals, win the week, and delegate to get out of their own way. And this week’s episode, like so many of them, is inspired by a friend of mine who owns a business I was speaking to last week. And they were on the verge of tears, talking about how they were petrified about somebody leaving their business that they kind of had, like, that spidey sense that they’re going to leave. And I was like, why are you so worried? Like, like, I get it. We all have, like, those key people that would be a God. I really don’t want them to leave.

I was like, why are you so, like, anxious about this? And she said to me that it was because that basically all the information would go with them that they, like. There is so much that’s in that person’s head. They are fantastic at what they do, but they come in, they get on with it, and it’s just them. It’s a single point of failure. And I said, okay, stop. I get that some people’s personalities, their aptitude, their skillset makes them better at a job. However, there is going to be 70%, 75, maybe the 80% of that job. That is, you can be pulled out, can be created into processes, can be put into systems, can protect you if they decide to leave, if your spidey sense appears to be true.

And so this week’s Mi TV is about that. If you have somebody in your business that if they left tomorrow, maybe you haven’t thought about it, and maybe this is like your shot in the arm to think, okay, what actually would happen if my office manager left or if my PA left or if my, I don’t know, if one of my salespeople left, like, what would, what would happen? And mitigating that is a really good way to spend time as a business owner in optimizing your business. And if you do think that so much information and system would leave with somebody out of the door, then we need to change that now. And Mi PA, it’s one of the things that we do. We, we create systems, we create processes. We pull them out of your team’s heads and put them into amazing, lovely sops. And it’s one of the things that we can do. But I just wanted to draw you a attention as well to some really easy ways.

If you just need to start tomorrow, so we use loom a lot. So if you don’t know. I feel like a lot, Stew. But still, I know there’s people who don’t know what loom is. And it’s a, it’s a piece of software whereby you can record your screen, record yourself talking about what’s on your screen, and you can record a video process. So if there is somebody that you think, okay, we don’t. We wouldn’t know what to do here if they left. This is a job for this week.

Get them to record the things that they do while they’re doing them. It’s not like a double up of time. It’s not like a, oh, it’s going to take them loads of time to do it if they’re doing a task naturally anyway, they use loom at the same time and just talk over the top and explaining what they’re doing. And loom now has this most amazing feature whereby it will, via AI, pull out the processes and steps below of the how to do it. So while they’re doing it, we’ve got a video recording what they did, and then loom will also pull out the information into some very simple steps that either someone in your office can start to work with that, like a virtual pa or something like us, we can start to build into sops and operating manuals. And this week’s Mi TV was just literally like, it’s. I like the short snappy ones. It’s literally a thought to go, good things don’t last forever.

This is not meant to be a doom monger, but it’s like, people have seasons in their life. And if for any reason, out of the blue, somebody’s season in your office was about to come to an end that you hadn’t prepped for, what would you do? And I feel like that is a really good use of time this week to either make it a project for yourself or maybe a project for somebody in your office or your business to go right. These key people, they would be more painful if they left. And let’s get what they do documented. Because if you haven’t, I would. This week, it is definitely something we can help with. If you would like processes and systems to be created and pulled out of you in your team’s head, all there is amazing software like loom that can help you get 50% of the way there. Hope this week’s episode was helpful for you in future planning and your business and making you sleep a little bit easier at night.

And I will see you next week. For episode 276. See you then.

emma mills

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