5 things every entrepreneur needs to get done to ensure 2018 is the best year yet!
Can you believe it? We’re almost a quarter of the way through 2018 already.
If you’re anything like me, you’ve a list of goals for your business this year. After the excitement of setting resolutions for ourselves and our businesses after the New Year, if you’re like the rest of us life has most probably got in the way.
Remember those promises you set yourself in January to do all those things you really wanted to achieve in the previous 12 months and didn’t.
We know we need to get these done. We know they will grow our business and make a difference to the bottom line. But for one reason or another we just never got round to it.
They say the best time to start anything is 12 months ago and the second best time is right now.
We’ve acknowledged the need to get things back on track and so now is the best time to jumpstart your business by making the tasks that grow your business a priority.
Having worked with so many entrepreneurial businesses that are growing quickly, we’ve identified five key areas where putting your focus for the rest of 2018 will pay off.
So let’s get those long-standing to-dos check off and get this done!
#1 “I need to claw back more free time and stop working silly hours”
Want to leave an hour earlier each day or claw back some breathing space? It may be time to focus on tasks you’re doing which are taking your time and outsourcing them.
More time on your hands meant more focus on what matters to you.
This is a great place to start if you want to make a real difference to how your day (and year) looks.
You can start making a difference by delegating these three things right away:
- Stopping the phone ringing by outsourcing call answering
- Stop doing low-value tasks that take up your time
- Start managing your diary to give you more time to focus on “business building” tasks
Once many of these tasks are taken off your plate, you’ll be surprised how much of your time returns to your day.
Discover how to leave your office an hour earlier each day here.
2) “I want to make more sales and profits”
Running a sales promotion or campaign is a daunting task if you’ve never done it before and you don’t have a team to run.
When you do it, you need to it properly and want to avoid it being rushed and disorganised. Because of this, it’s tempting to put off promotions until you have more time… but when does that ever happen.
The good news is you don’t have to worry about execution. We can help take over key parts of your sales pipeline and promotions. From fielding calls and enquiries from sales promotions through to sales follow-up on the phone, email and letter by our team, we can help you grow.
3) “I want to improve the company profile and get the brand noticed”
Marketing is essential to sales and essential to getting your name out.
The only problem is, when customers and sales are competing for your time, marketing is always the one task that gets dropped.
We never have enough time to do marketing. And social media can suck up hours of your time without delivering any short-term return.
That’s why many of our clients simply outsource their marketing function to us.
We’re able to provide social media services to guarantee your business has a consistent and impactful presence online. And we can also help with blogs and other content that helps improve your positioning and attract your audience.
4) “I want more referrals”
Do you know what the secret is to receiving lots of referrals?
Great service and customer loyalty. Delivering a great customer experience is key.
But if you don’t have a full customer support team there’s always a worry, issues will fall through the gaps.
If you’re short on resources to hire a dedicated customer support individual or team, we can help. Our team has been tasked to take on the operational and customer services and support side for various clients.
We can provide everything level of support from cover through to the full customer support service, with as much autonomy as you wish.
5) “I want more customers (and better ones, too!)”
If you leave it to chance as to who becomes your customer, you’ll end up with whoever walks through the door, picks up the phone or finds you through your website.
Be proactive in attracting the right customers is possible, but it requires careful time-consuming research.
Choosing, discovering and attracting your perfect customers is all about pinpoint targeting. When you have the time and resources to focus on researching and planning how to get in front of the right type of businesses, it can be game-changing.
Most people wouldn’t think a PA service would be able to help with something like this… and they’d be dead wrong.
Our team has not only been tasked with researching ideal customers for our clients. We’ve even produced reports and help use the insights to build out and run marketing campaigns for clients. This includes everything from direct mail execution to email and telesales follow-up.
When you realise just what you can achieve when a skilled team has your back, you really can go further and faster in 2018 that you ever imagined.
Want to get your 2018 back on track? We can help. Call me on 0161 820 6080 or email me at emma@mi-pa.co.uk.
Or visit our services page to discover in more detail the diverse range of services we offer like-minded entrepreneurs and businesses right here

Thinking about getting your own PA Support to make sure you get more time to focus on the fun stuff…
You need to get yourself booked in for a 20 minute call with me, Emma Mills where you will discover how our award winning team at MiPA can help you…
- Free up you & your staff’s time
- Boost your productivity
- Improve your customer service
- Liberate yourself from constant distractions
I’d love to chat with you (even if it’s just for some free advice!)
So don’t be shy, just click below and book a free call with me whenever it suits you 🙂